
J1:Session 4

Coach GuideJ1:Session 4


Have participants identify and distinguish between their interest, passions and burdens.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Passion is conviction that becomes contagious because it withstands the test of pain.

  • Give participants 10 minutes to answer the questions in the funnel, in a brainstorm manner, asking them to think through the things they are interested in, passionate about and burdened by.
  • This is not an exhaustive list but enough that helps them narrow down to 5 words/themes at the bottom of the funnel.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 5

Journey 1 Notebook
Page 43


Declaring a holy discontent with 4 things that frustrate participants most.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: What offends you most will most likely be an “opposite indicator” of what you value most.

  • Participants name 4 offenders in no particular order.
  • Offenders are what make you pound your fist or are highly irritating, whether it is a small pet peeve or something that is a deeper offense.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 5

Journey 1 Workbook
Page 45


Participants get outside input on what they are most passionate about from the people they are closest to.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Are your passions evident to those who know you?

  • Participants text 12 people, asking for the top three words that best describe what they are most passionate about.
  • Write responses in the Passion 360 worksheet.
  • Have participants hone in on the 4 words that seem most frequent and/or are best representative of the responses. 
  • Make sure they are using copy-and-paste in their texting and not typing it out 12 times.
  • Emphasize that they should send individual texts and not a thread so responders are not influenced by others.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    This can be included in pre-work instructions as well so participants have feedback in hand when working through Passion Circle in ACC.

  • Weekly Cohort

    This exercise can be done as homework outside of cohort session.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 5

Journey 1 Notebook
Page 45

Coaching Video


Offers a long range perspective on current or desired trajectory of a participant’s most desired contribution to the world.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your contribution is discovered as you discover God’s dream for you and design your life accordingly.

  • First have participants choose a category that best represents their current or desired trajectory of contribution to the world.
  • Then within that category star or circle one (or two if difficult to decide) types that further articulate that trajectory.
  • This does not mean it is the only thing they contribute but rather help to clarify what most satisfies them.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 26

Journey 1 Notebook
Pages 46-47

Coaching Video


To create a reference tool that puts all of the participant's core Passion Circle inventory on one sheet of paper so they have easy access to it.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: “Gifting connects our lives to God’s power. Passions direct our lives with God’s precision.” – Dave Rhodes

  • Have participants look through their work from all of the Passion Circle tools.
  • Using their notes, have participants hone in on each of the answers the Passion Circle Inventory Worksheet is requesting.
  • Communicate that having this inventory on one sheet of paper will be very helpful as they continue in the process.
  • After they’ve filled out the Passion Circle Inventory, they need to file it under the ‘Sweet Spot” tab in Notebook.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Accelerator

    If you introduced the inventory at the start of Passion Circle then it will be completed at this point and then filed under Sweet Spot Tab.

Where to Find This Tool



The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 13

Coaching Video