
1:1 Retreat: Day 2

Coach Guide1:1 Retreat1:1 Retreat: Day 2


Turn Inventory and Interpretation into Inscription around the LifeCore statement of the personal Vision Frame.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your values are what you love about what you love.

  • Pause to pray before beginning this exercise. It is often the hardest part of the whole journey.
  • Have everyone pull out the following tools for easy access:
    • Life Discovery Grid
    • Life Drifts Grid
    • Passion Circle Inventory
    • Ability Circle Inventory
    • Context Circle Inventory (if you have completed this circle in the delivery schedule you have chosen)
  • Invite one participant to populate their funnel step by step in front of the group, as you prompt them, as a helpful example. You will want to use a whiteboard that it visible to the entire group.
  • At the same time, have each participant complete their own LifeCore Funnel in their workbook.
  • Funnel Population Components:
    1. Name Meanings – from Passion Circle Inventory
    2. Chapter titles & dates – from Life Discovery Grid
    3. Life lies & truth – from Life Drifts Grid
    4. Personality (colors & titles) – Ability Circle Inventory
    5. Things that offend most – Passion Circle Inventory
    6. Passions/Burdens from Passion Circle Inventory
  • Here are a few questions that may help unearth underlying motivators:
    • What are three biggest pain points in your life? What came out on the other side of them and why is that important to you?
    • What motivates you most deeply?
    • Who are you when you are at your best?
    • What convictions to you see appear consistently?
    • What is always true about you no mater what you are doing, where you are and who you are with?
  • Mine out at least two LifeCore values with your volunteer participant in front of the rest of the group to demonstrate to others how they can mine out their own LifeCore statements
    • Bring themes into the 4 boxes at the bottom of the funnel based on inventory and answers to above questions.
    • Ask volunteer participant if there is anything missing from what is represented in boxes.
    • Begin word smithing into One Word, Two Word or Short Phrase.
    • Find rhythms and cadence that is consistent.
    • Ask if this stirs excitement, meaning and passion.
  • You will not most likely not be able to complete all 4 values in session. Try to get to 2 that are 60-80% articulated.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Weekly Cohort

    Prior to this session, ask for one volunteer ahead of time. You may have a sense of who will be able to process aloud well or someone the Spirit of God nudges you to ask.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 11

Journey 1 Workbook
Pages 80-85

Coaching Video


To introduce the LifeScore part of the Vision Frame, creating a personal dashboard for consistent evaluation of a wholistic life, based on Storylines instead of Domains.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: In a fluid world, many people are still living DIS-Integrated lives. Our goal is to live integrated lives because we are more than one thing.

  • Explain that the LifeScore part of the vision Frame answers the question, “When am I successful?”
  • Use the teaching to pivot from Domains to Storylines. 
  • Use the Categories of Health, Love, Work and Play to help participants begin thinking about their specific Storylines. Each of these are spiritual as they are all areas we can honor God and help others.
  • Share your 4 Storylines and how you arrived at naming them.
  • Explain the worksheet they’re going to work on.
  • Give participants 20 minutes to brainstorm the names of their storylines and to sketch out a picture of each one of them.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 12

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 16-20

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 20

Coaching Video


To help participants identify and evaluate the different roles that they are currently stepping into inside their 4 Storylines.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Most of us take time to think about WHAT we are doing. Few take time to think about HOW we are doing it and how well.

  • Explain the importance of identifying the different roles that we are stepping into in our lives.
  • Walk the participants through their Role Map worksheet one Step at a time.
    • Have the participants place their Storylines in the first part of the Role Map.
    • Have participants identify their 4 primary roles in each Storyline – taking one storyline at a time.
    • Have participants identify their 3 secondary roles for each primary role of their Storylines. This is the double click into each primary role asking, “How do I uniquely step into/posture within this role?”
  • Give illustrations around each development of the Role Map from your personal Role Map as well as the examples in the Participant Guide.

Context-Specific Tips

  • Weekly Cohort

    The Role Map will take time. Encourage participants to continue what they began in session, taking one storyline at a time or first identifying all of their Primary Roles and then the Secondary Roles.

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 13

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 39-43

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 24

Coaching Video


Help participants see that when it comes to living a life of impact, it’s more about their investment than their environment; and the Bible has a lot to say about investment.

How It Works

BIG IDEA Most people are asking God to change their environment when God is asking them to change their investment.

  • Communicate that this is the second emphasis of the LifeSteps portion of the Vision Frame
  • Read the passage from Matthew 25:14-30.
  • Exegete text and land the three things that keep us from investing:
    • Insecurity: We undervalue what we have been given.
    • Fear: We overvalue what we could lose.
    • Deception: We misvalue who God is.
  • Optional Reflections: Highlight a few disturbing realities in this passage:
    • People get different amounts – the justice is in what is given but in the reward.
    • The guy who plays it safe is the Villain in this parable. Jesus eliminates neutral ground.
    • Greatest danger in the kingdom is NOT people who fail but who do nothing.
  • Explain the 5 Capitals and define their Currencies.
    • The listed order of Capitals on the worksheet is intentional as it reflects kingdom principles. Reverse the order and you will see the priorities of our culture/world.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 13

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 47-50

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 25

Coaching Video


To help participants identify some key areas of Work and Rest that they may need to emphasize in daily, weekly, quarterly and annual rhythms.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Most of us need to have either rest or work redeemed in our life. Which is it for you? Where are our life rhythms out of line with rhythms of Eden?

  • Individually, participants use the Rest-Work assessment worksheet to analyze, evaluate and reflect on their current Rest/Work patterns on a daily, weekly, quarterly and annual basis.
  • Connect the rhythms here with Biblical ideas of day/night, Sabbath, Seasons and Feasts.
  • Reiterate that we are designed for BOTH rest and work and that both allow us to fulfill our God-given purpose.
  • Our greatest challenge is usually in the imbalance of these replenishment rhythms for a variety of reasons, one being our own life drifts. Great opportunity to connect back to J1 self awareness here.
  • A point of differentiation: What feels like work to one person may feel like rest to another and vice versa. Encourage participants to have self awareness in what feels like rest and what feels like work to them.
  • Have individuals quickly share their insights with one other person.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 13

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 54-56

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 26

Coaching Video


To help participants integrate and consolidate the completion of Journey 1 and Journey 2 onto one piece of paper.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your LifePlan Snapshot articulates stunning clarity on one piece of paper.

  • Instruct participants to consolidate their Younique Vision Frame with their Life Horizon Storyline into one master template known as their LifePlan Snapshot.
  • Demonstrate to the participants how this LifePlan Snapshot brings all of Journey 1 and Journey 2 down to one piece of paper that they keep in front of themselves at all times.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 19

Journey 2 Notebook
Pages 89-91

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 29


To help participants identify and declare their first 90 day goal.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your 90 Day Goal is the “focus” component of your LifePlan that keeps your attention on something strategically important that will help you reach the destination you’re dreaming of.

  • Use the Midground Horizon worksheet to help participants get the picture of funneling their ideas of what is most important over the next 90 days down to one 90 day goal.
  • Encourage participants to brainstorm at least six different possibilities for their one, 90 day goal within the funnel.
  • Reference your personal 90 day goal and the various examples in their Participant Guide to help get the participants started.
  • Give participants 10 minutes to identify the one goal for their first 90 days.
  • Invite participants to share their 90 day goals with their group.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 18

Journey 2 Workbook
Pages 80-82

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 27

Coaching Video


To help participants integrate and consolidate the completion of Journey 1 and Journey 2 onto one piece of paper.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: Your LifePlan Snapshot articulates stunning clarity on one piece of paper.

  • Instruct participants to consolidate their Younique Vision Frame with their Life Horizon Storyline into one master template known as their LifePlan Snapshot.
  • Demonstrate to the participants how this LifePlan Snapshot brings all of Journey 1 and Journey 2 down to one piece of paper that they keep in front of themselves at all times.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 19

Journey 2 Notebook
Pages 89-91

The Younique Experience Notebook
Page 29


These two tools help to navigate through decisions of next steps or opportunities.

How It Works

BIG IDEA: When you know the One Thing about your calling that never changes, you awaken to how changeable everything else is.

  • The Decision Matrix helps filter 1 or more opportunities through the clarity that has come from this process. This is something at some point, whether now or in the future, that will prove helpful to each person.
  • Using green, yellow and red colors (like a traffic light), hold up each opportunity through the different components of the vision frame. Green is a good fit, Yellow is not a strong fit but still possible, Red is a misalignment. This gives a visual picture of where movement forward is in alignment with personal vision and where it is not.
  • The Vocational Decision Distiller filters the same opportunities through the lens of what is Necessary (MUST be true) or simply Preferred (WOULD LIKE but don’t need) based on the clarified personal vision they have for their life as well as their Lifestage, family and circumstances.

Context-Specific Tips

Where to Find This Tool



Younique Book
Chapter 3

The Younique Experience Notebook, 90 Day Tab
Pages 15-16

Coaching Video